
father + son

A month or so ago Dan took Carter to his first father & sons camping trip. It was a really last minute decision to go since Dan didn't have any camping gear. I guess I should get him some stuff for his birthday or Christmas since they love to camp, not so much me! I didn't think Carter was old enough but I guess their were younger kids there. They had a lot of fun!
The tent is set up.
Like my bed?
Camping buddies!
Good morning.
Ready to play...
or swim with Jackson
One more picture before packing up & going home.


salt lake

A few weeks ago we drove up to Salt Lake (in one car) with my parents. We went for my nephew's 5th birthday. It was a short weekend trip but we had a lot of fun. Thanks to my brother for getting us a hotel room & thanks to Jar & Deesha for having us over for dinner.
Carter & Maddox in the back back ready to go get dinner. That was Carter's seat the whole trip with the other seat down filled with luggage!
The gym where the party was. Can you find Carter?
He had never been to a place like this so he was having fun.
The birthday boy Griffin!
Opening presents. Of course all the other kids had to see.
Having fun in the hotel spa.
My kid that never smiles...
oh wait I got one, but that's because I bribed them! Adorable cousins.
Messing around in the hotel.
Carter & Maddox.
Relaxing with a donut.