Our little princess turned one on the 22nd! Time goes by so much faster with your second child! My parents came down to celebrate. We went to lunch at Cafe Rio, then to the pumpkin patch, then home for presents & cake. I know a one year old doesn't really get it but I would say she had a fun day! Scarlet at one will take a couple steps, only drinks a 6 oz. bottle & usually doesn't finish it, loves to dance, doesn't care to much for baby food anymore, loves chocolate, throws herself back if shes mad, has 11 teeth, loves her blanket, & is a daddy's girl!
A baby Minnie Mouse party.

All set for cake.

Eating yogurt bites at Cafe Rio. Don't think she's ready for a pork burrito just yet.

Cute girl!

What's this big thing?!

I'm done!

Brother & sister

Love the next 2 pictures! A worker at the pumpkin patch was nice enough to blow bubbles so we could get some smiles.

Love these kids!

Enjoying the pumpkin patch!

My little cow & piggy

Her favorite toy was a little
stroller to push with a baby in it. Thanks
Yaya & Papa!

Big bro helping her out.

Happy 1st birthday!

Not sure who blew out the candle. I think it was Carter.

She just went for it & I knew she would! After grabbing a handful she started taking little pieces.
Happy Birthday Scarlet! We love you so much & we could not be happier that you are a part of our family!!