
You Are Dr. Pepper

You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you.
People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do.

Your best soda match: Root Beer

Stay away from: 7 Up


Anyone else sad?

Some of you might not think this is blog worthy but when I found out that Heath Ledger died today I was sad. He was only 28 and had a two year old daughter that will probably not remember him. They think it might have been an overdose. How sad for that little girl that will never know why her dad took his life. I really liked his work, what a tragic loss!


Car accident

So as some of you might already know on our second night in Wisconsin we got in a bad accident. We were leaving Dan's Grandmas house heading to his moms. We weren't even driving for 15 minutes when his mom hit a patch of ice. She started fish tailing and then we did a 360 and she told everyone to hold on! Next thing I know we were flipping over and landed up side down! It was the scariest moment of our lives so far. We are very fortunate to all be alive and no major injuries!! Don't worry that's not blood on the car.

Christmas in Wisconsin

Christmas at our house before we left.
This is the view out of his aunt's house. Yep that's a frozen lake.

Christmas day at Dan's aunts house.

Us with Dan's sisters and cousin.

Carter and daddy playing in the snow.

Carter did not like going down this little hill with his aunt Sam.

We stayed at a condo for more room and this was the view from the front door.

This was at the Wisconsin airport. I thought it was such a cute picture!