
Oh Christmas tree....

oh Christmas tree... ok I guess you get the idea! We had fun getting our tree, we went to Star Nursery across the street because they had the best deals. I think Carter had fun, but he was more into the wagons they had. Dan held out the first tree & it was HUGE!! I told him it was his choice but I didn't think it was going to fit in the corner of our room. It was probably 7 ft high & it was so full & pretty. The height wasn't the problem, the problem was how round it was. So sure enough we get it home & in our family room & Dan says "It looks a lot smaller around all the other trees!" Well after moving some furniture we made it work, so what if you can't see the t.v. from some spots! We laugh & make jokes about it now! Great memories to remember.

Ready to go!
The "Beast!"
P.S. Don't mind my velour suit & Dan's running shoes, we normally don't dress that way, we just got done working out.